Bloxham Swimming Lessons

Bloxham Swim School Lessons
(Previously run by Bloxham School)
Lessons at Bloxham School Pool run on Monday and Tuesday after school, along with Thursday evenings and Saturday morning lessons.
These lessons will run in a slightly different format (slightly larger class numbers) to the remainder of Oxford Swimming Academy Classes to maintain the provision of lessons currently in place and to ensure a smooth transition of provider from April 2025.
We have placed some details below to help for those currently swimming at venue, and for those who may be joining from this summer term:
Class Times
For those swimming in lessons now, you will notice a few slight change in class times from the summer term. This is to save confusion with start and end times of classes which were not running concurrently, and to ensure a smooth running of lessons. It will also allow us to begin to provide more sibling options alongside. Any changes to class times needed after this will be communicated in advance.
Class Numbers
To maintain the format of lessons, lessons will continue to run with similar class numbers. New Starter Classes however will begin to transition to just 5 swimmers to aid their initial lessons. Beginner through to Improver+ levels will still have 6 per class, and those above this level will continue at 8 per lesson.
Class teachers will currently remain the same from the summer term as best we can but steps to increase staffing and open more sibling lessons a the same time are also under way. Tuesday sessions already have this option in place from the summer term.
Class Name Changes
Lessons from the summer term onwards will be​ running alongside the STA Learn to Swim Pathway. As an STA Swim School this will be an immediate change, and will only improve children's motivation and progress. They will still be taught all they need, but they will have more options for badges as there is a broader range of levels.
The STA Learn to Swim pathway has more awards per Swim England Level, so for example there are 2 STA levels for Swim England Stage 1, 2 for Stage 2, two more for Stage 3 etc, which means there are not such long periods without awarding the achievements of each child. Further details on this pathway can be located here:​
Home Portals
As part of the transition to Oxford Swimming Academy, swimmers will all be given access to their own personalised Home Portal. This online portal will allow parents to follow along with their/their child's progress and see when an award has been issued. It also shows the class details (times, teacher, class name) along with the term dates running for this class. If a replacement teacher is needed due to staff illness, this will also then show for you to show you child before class, and it will also allow you to track your payments.
An initial payment for April's classes will be requested, which can be made online by credit/debit card, and a link will be sent for you to set up your subscription (direct debit) from 1st May onwards. This must be set up straight away to guarantee your class place moving forwards, and payment will then be taken from 1st May onwards each month.
Payment will be taken on the 1st of the month, and the amount is only taken for the number of lessons running that month. Your Home Portal will show the dates in advance for you to check.
Changes to Cost
We are confident that the benefits of our system, personalised online portal and customer service alongside our highly experienced staff will benefit these lessons greatly, and we are excited to support all our new swimmers as they progress. Price changes required (as Bloxham School would have done) will continue to be done in line with the format currently running, and not made to match up with our existing Oxford Swimming Academy lessons.
Pool Temperature
We would like to assure you of our commitment to working with Bloxham School to notify you if there are any changes to the regular temperature of the pool, but please note that our Oxford Swimming Academy lessons already run at Bloxham Pool on Saturday afternoons, and these include lessons for ages 2.5yrs and upwards.
Personalised online awards can be purchased for £2 on each achievement, and the details of how to purchase these will be sent separately. You are under no obligation to buy awards, and you will be able to see these on you Home Portal.
Hard copies of badges and awards can also be paid for separately through the link if you want to (small additional charge with the STA)