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Adult Classes



We believe it is never too late to learn to swim, and our adult swimming has no upper age limit. Whether it is improving a specific stroke to use to build stamina and fitness, or learning water safety and some basic skills to feel more confident on holiday in the sea or pool, we aim to help you achieve your goals and learn to love the water too!


Levels start with becoming water confident and learning floatation skills, through to swimming that first length of the pool, safety skills and on to swimming lengths with improving technique.

Types of Class Available 

Weekly Private Class Half Hour - £31.50 (Single Class Booking £33)

Weekly Private Class Hour - £60 (Single Class Booking £62.50)

Private Classes are booked for the half hour or full hour depending on the venue, and provide an excellent way to begin swimming, to improve technique quickly, or just to give a space and provide calm place for Beginners or those who are more nervous to get started.

Shared Private Class Half Hour - £17.50 (Single Class Booking £20)

Weekly Shared Private Class Hour - £31.50 (Single Class Booking £33)

Shared Private Lessons are are fantastic way to learn in a quiet environment. You will share the lesson with just one other swimmer (of a similar level to you) and receive the benefits of personalised support and guidance in class.

Group Lesson Hour - £17.50 per lesson (Single Class Booking £19)

Group lessons are an excellent way to begin or improve swimming in a friendly and relaxed setting. Your Instructor will guide you through skills and and exercises to help you work towards your goals, and with small group numbers you will still receive guidance for your own personal goals and support where needed.  

Why swim with us?

  • We aim to provide a calm and encouraging environment, supporting each swimmer to achieve their personal goals

  • Easy and flexible online payments - choose from 3, 4 or 6 weekly amounts on each payment due

  • Individual feedback and assistance in class 

  • Dedicated and Experienced Instructors 

If you are looking to learn to swim as a Beginner, or are nervous about attending lessons, we will work with you to help you feel comfortable in classes and support you during your own personal swimming journey.


Ages and Levels

Not sure what level you need for group lessons? This guide should help.. but please ask the office if you are unsure on which level is best:


New to lessons, perhaps nervous, not able to use floats without support yet


Can travel with floats or short distances without, able to put face in/blow bubbles


Can swim approx 10m, able to submerge fully, needs deep water practice


Can swim 25m looking to improve strokes

Swimming Together
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